Friday, 27 April 2012

Hello, Bali!

Well, let's get that last post off the top of the page, shall we? First off, I should say that I'm doing much better - the stitches came out on Monday, and my doctor was very happy with how the cuts are healing. I'm still not at 100% mobility, and there will be scars, but at least I can shower without a bag over my leg now, and don't look such a wally going up and down the stairs.

In the meantime, I took a little trip.

Work has been really hectic of late, and is on the verge of getting more so. I wanted to take a short trip away to ground myself so that I drive neither myself nor my colleagues completely batty, so I scoured the internet for deals, hit up friends for suggestions, and eventually wound up booking a weekend in Bali - specifically in the Sanur region. The initial plan was for Biking! Walking! Swimming! Kayaking! Unfortunately, the injury put paid to a lot of that (the stitches were still in when I went), so a reassessment of expectations came into play.

And it ended up being...wonderful. I arrived on a Friday night, and my room was upgraded to the beautiful suite shown below. The queen-sized bed and king-sized terrace would have made the weekend away worth it even without the rest of the delights.


A real, not twin-sized bed

Yes, thank you, I think I will spend many hours sitting here reading
After checking in, I wandered around the resort, walked down to the beach, and then got dinner at one of the local restaurants.
Prawns with a lemongrass & chili sauce - delicious
After dinner, I went back to the hotel and sat on the terrace reading for a while before heading to the luxury of the queen-sized bed. Heaven.

Saturday dawned very bright and very hot. First task of the day was coffee on the terrace with a book. I sat there for...a couple of hours, actually, just enjoying the sun, the coffee and the lack of internet access. They were two of the most relaxing hours I've had in ages, and it was a bit of a stretch to pull myself away. Pull myself away I did, however, to take a walk around the resort and the town in daylight. And maybe to book a massage. Or two (they were 2-for-1 could I resist?).

At the resort
Roundabout by the town's temple

View from the terrace
After a walk and the massage (and a shower) I decided to be ever-so-exciting! ...and read on the beach. It was a glorious view.

...truly stunning
I did try to go canoeing, but the canoes on offer were full-sized, and I'm just not able to handle a two-to-four person canoe by myself in the ocean with a bum knee. I tested out a bike as well, but pedaling was excruciating. Quite sad, but something to look forward to next time. Plus? By that time I was ready for, lunch?
Delicious, delicious mee goreng
The rest of Saturday was spent walking, reading, sitting on the beach, and generally doing absolutely nothing of any importance whatsoever.

And again I say...Heaven.

Dinner was at a vegetarian Indian restaurant, and I wish I had gotten a picture of the eggplant dish and naan I ordered. Spicy. Garlic-y. Delicious.

And then another night in the Glorious! Bed! (I am 5'10". I sleep diagonally in my twin bed in Singapore because I'm just too tall for the head and foot boards. A queen-sized bed? Luxury.)

And then it was Sunday.

Monday, 2 April 2012


I was thinking on Sunday that I should write a post - on settling in, settling down, developing good routines. I'd had a lovely weekend that involved biking, yoga, pilates, coffee, a couple of birthday celebrations for friends, errand running, cooking...all of the things that make me feel centered and grounded and at home. All of the things I've been trying to develop since moving to this odd little Island.

I didn't write the post - I went out with friends instead - but was still feeling that calm sense of belonging on Monday morning when I set out to work in the rain.

Now, I like rain. A lot. But I don't like rain when I'm outside in Singapore because (foreshadowing!) the sidewalks are not good. Many of them turn into slick sheets at the first sign of dampness, with no grip and no traction. When we have the type of weather we had Monday morning (lashing rain, wind, thunder, lightning) I wear my heaviest, grippiest shoes and am ever-so-cautious about how and where I walk.

Ah well, the best laid plans...

Nearly to work, walking carefully, carefully, foot steps on sidewalk, foot slips on sidewalk, I go down, and knee meets corner. Blood and pain and rage.

I ended up in the emergency room, and my leg received eight stitches in the two gashes - one just at the bend of the bottom of the knee (deep enough to see kneecap), one where the shin and knee meet. I went to work (I work just next to the hospital) and stayed for a while, but the pain was bad, and the frustration...

I've always, always been clumsy and accident prone. I'm no stranger to broken bones, sprains, torn ligaments, stitches, bruises, etc. It's a running joke amongst my friends and family.

But guess what? It's not so funny. I can't walk properly, no biking or jogging for at least a month, no yoga or pilates for at least two weeks. I can't do the things that keep me centered and balanced and sane. Going up stairs is a chore, standing on a crowded bus is agony. I can't find a comfortable position to sit or stand or lie down, so my sleep last night was nearly useless. I can't get the wound wet, so, let's not speak about that.

It would be frustrating anywhere, but somehow it feels worse here. I don't know why.

I guess all there is to do is suck it up and deal. The only way over is through. Wish me luck.