Saturday, 28 July 2012

A quick catch up

I am not a great blogger, right? Lots of gaps between posts, lots of silence. I do try, but life gets in the way. Which, at the moment, is a bit sad, as (according to the very detailed traces of my daily activities that I have thanks to a large part of my job) I'm mostly at work. And home. And traveling between the two, by foot, by bike, by bus, or by metro.

Exciting, right? :-)

But, that being said, there has been some excitement for me on the Little Red Dot. But first - the last pics from the trip to Bali!

Did I mention that it was a bit warm?

The market in Ubud (it was actually quite crowded, just not right here)

Monkey Jungle

...and just the jungle

Last meal - delicious fish, though the green beans were the best part
Not long after that, there was a quick trip to Koh Samui, Thailand for a weekend of yoga.

I don't want to be tanked, thanks

...well, I like to *think* I'm good luck

Elephant towels

The yoga studio

Cool and dry inside, raining outside. Amazing yoga.

A couple of performances at the Esplanade (Carmina Burana and Rites of Spring)

...and now I'm living in my own little studio! Pictures in the next entry... Promise.